The Biggest chicken in the world!


When you think of a chicken, you likely picture a small, flightless bird that you can easily pick up and snuggle. They’re cute and delicate creatures, happily grazing around your backyard. But what if there was a chicken breed that might give you a little scare? Imagine a large, intimidating rooster peeking through the chicken coop door in the morning. This story is about Weirdo, the meanest and biggest chicken in the world!

The Story of Weirdo, the “Giant Rooster”

In January 1973, the world was introduced to Weirdo, an enormous rooster weighing an astonishing 23 pounds! This cat-killing super chicken was born in 1970, but the story begins with Grant Sullens, a teenage boy from West Point, California. At nine years old, Grant’s father brought home 300 Leghorn chickens, and Grant was tasked with caring for them. After a harsh winter killed nearly half the flock, Grant decided to create a breed that could withstand the cold Sierra Nevada climates.

Despite his lack of experience, Grant succeeded where others had failed. With the help of a microscope, tin-can incubators, and his high school agriculture advisor, Grant cross-bred seven different chicken strains, including Rhode Island Reds, Plymouth Rocks, and Austrian Cross whites. After five years, he created the “White Sully” breed, named after himself.

The White Sullies

Grant was understandably proud of his White Sullies, a superior breed that grew faster, bigger, and healthier than others. They didn’t get sick from diseases, had no bone imperfections, adapted well to different climates, and laid large eggs year-round. However, there was one problem—White Sullies were mean, very mean. Both the roosters and hens were aggressive.

Grant saw this aggression as a positive trait, suggesting that “watch-chickens” could help protect farms from predators. This turned a negative into a unique selling point.

Meet the RUN-CHICKEN Giant Red, our innovative solution designed specifically for larger birds like Brahmas, Jersey giants, turkeys, and ducks. With dimensions of 15.7 x 19.7 inches, it’s the perfect fit for your big feathered friends.

The Birth of Weirdo the Giant

Weirdo, born in 1970, hatched from an unusually large egg. The mother hen never laid another egg after Weirdo, seemingly exhausted by the effort. Weirdo grew rapidly, even for a White Sully. Grant once needed eight stitches after Weirdo attacked him, and the rooster also killed two cats and injured a dog. Although extremely mean, Weirdo eventually calmed down after three years.

Grant Sullens holds his giant rooster. Source: Farm Journal – Nov 1971.

The Future of White Sullies

Grant had big plans for his breed but wanted to attend college, so he sought a buyer. Weirdo and the White Sullies garnered media attention, but the chicken industry, already dealing with overproduction, had no interest in a new breed, especially one with behavioral issues. The industry also didn’t take Grant seriously due to his young age and lack of professional experience. Although he received offers from buyers interested in using White Sullies for bird fights, Grant refused to participate in such activities.

By the late 1970s, Grant and his super chickens faded from the news. In 1980, filmmaker Errol Morris wanted to make a movie about Weirdo and Grant, but it never materialized. However, in 1990, the Guinness Book of Records recorded a White Sully as the heaviest chicken in the world.

Today, not much is known about the White Sullies or their current existence. Occasionally, people still inquire about them online, keeping the legend of Weirdo and the super chickens alive.

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