Top 15 most beautiful chicken breeds of all time


Would you like to find out which are some of the most beautiful chicken breeds in the world? If this sounds intriguing, then you have come to the right place. After learning more about these beautiful chicken breeds, you may even consider adding some to your everyday life.

Because these birds are so unique, it is very important to enable them comfortable and safe housing. A perfect way to ensure they are protected from predators is an automatic chicken coop door.

Silkie Chicken

This chicken is considered one of the most unique and beautiful breeds because of its atypically fluffy appearance. Silkie is the only chicken breed with fluffy feathers, which feels like silk to the touch. Even their legs and toes are covered in these gorgeous, fluffy feathers. These birds are primarily an ornamental breed. People like to have them in suburban backyard flocks as their prized pets. Because of their unique appearance, Silkie chickens are also popular as exhibition birds and appear in various colors. The Silkie chicken breed has a funny head that almost reminds us of a bad hair day. These birds have many other unusual qualities, such as black skin and black bones. They also have five toes on each foot, another peculiarity of the breed that is not common for other chickens.

Silkie chicken breed is well known for its friendly and quiet nature. These chickens are calm and very docile, so they make a perfect pet, especially for children. Because of their sweet and peaceful personality, they will go along with other docile breeds. Silkies are very friendly and love human interaction and guidance. That being said, you can train them to sit in your lap without hesitation. Silkies are also known for being fantastic mothers and often adopt others as their own.


The Ameraucana chicken breed is trendy because it is a rare recognized pure breed chicken known to lay blue eggs. These lovely birds come in a variety of colors. Their beard and muffs give them an adorable and fluffy appearance. Ameraucanas tend to be docile and calm, which is great, especially if you have close neighbors. This beautiful chicken breed has a friendly and cheery personality. Ameraucanas are not aggressive, and they tend to avoid trouble. These birds are also curious and love the free-range. Because of their personality, Ameraucanas are suitable for beginners and families. This chicken breed will lay 3-4 light blue eggs per week.

Gold Laced Wyandotte

There are several species of Wyandotte in different colors, but the Gold Laced is probably one of the most beautiful breeds. Golden Laced Wyandotte is covered in stunning brown-gold feathers that are individually highlighted with black around the tips. The reason why these birds look so gorgeous is because of that. The Wyandotte is a dual-purpose breed with a heavy body, primarily raised because it lays large brown eggs and has yellow-skinned meat. Gold Laced Wyandotte chicken breed is terrific, and it is one of the most popular show birds. These birds have strong personalities, but generally, they are very friendly and calm. They love to talk, and for that reason, they can be a bit noisy. Wyandotte chicken breed is perfect for cold climates because it isn’t prone to frostbite.

Polish Chicken

The Polish chicken breed is known for its sensational crest of feathers. This breed is so stunning, mainly because of its head feathers which can vary from a tidy pom-pom to an untidy and wild natural appearance. An interesting fact about these birds is that their head feathers limit their vision, which can affect their personality. Because of that, the Polish chickens can be easily frightened, but otherwise, they are calm and gentle. This beautiful chicken breed is also great for children or as a pet because of its friendly nature. They also do not mind being cuddled. Polish chickens appear in various colors. The most popular are Golden laced polish chicken, Silver polish chicken, Buff laced polish chicken, and Blue polish chicken. These adorable birds will undoubtedly leave an impression on you. Primarily these beautiful Polish chickens are bred for show and exhibition purposes.

Playmouth Rock

Plymouth Rock chicken breed is considered one of the most appealing because of its good royal look. In the United States, seven color varieties of this chicken breed are recognized: barred, blue, Buff, Columbian, partridge, silver-penciled, and white. The Plymouth Rock is a dual-purpose breed, prized for its meat and its large brown eggs. It is also one of the most popular birds raised for meat in America. This beautiful chicken breed is often used as a family backyard pet because of its docile and sweet nature. They love to be around people and enjoy being picked up and petted. This charming chicken breed is also known to get along well with other pets. They are resistant to cold and heat quite well.

Cochin Chicken

The Cochin chicken breed is so outstanding because it is impressively sized and is covered with beautiful fluffy feathers. This charming chicken breed is well known for its excessive plumage that covers its legs and feet. Principally these birds have been bred for exhibition purposes. Cochins are also known for their calm and docile nature. They are quiet, gentle, and sociable. Because of their friendly and docile temperament, Cochins will make excellent pets. Cochins tend to be very social with people. These beautiful birds enjoy cuddling and being held. Due to their large size, regular-sized Cochin chickens do not fly. Cochin hens are also good sitters and excellent mothers. These chickens may even be used to hatch the eggs of turkeys and ducks.

Hamburg Chicken

Hamburg chicken breed is exquisite. Their impressive plumage in an array of colors makes them look like birds of paradise. In the United States, the most popular variety of this bird is the Silver Spangled Hamburg. They are wonderful birds for a show because of their unique appearance, but you may have trouble putting them in a cage because they don’t handle confinement well. These graceful chickens come in a variety of sizes, small or medium. Hamburgs are also known as good egg producers and are fast and have strong flying skills. They love to explore freely, and they like to roost in trees. However, they are not so friendly or affectionate, and they prefer to be left alone. So if you are looking for a cuddly chicken breed, this one might not be right for you.

Mille Fleur D’uccle Bantam

The Mille Fleur D’uccle chicken breed is considered one of the most beautiful because of its unique and wonderful plumage. The Mille Fleur D’uccle’s poetic name was coined in French, meaning “Thousand Flowers.” These beautiful birds are also admired for their fluffy feet and full beard. Mille Fleur chickens are known for their remarkably docile temperament. They are friendly, calm and they are fantastic around children. Because of their sweet personality, they make great pets. This beautiful chicken breed is mostly kept for ornamental reasons, not so much for egg production. The Mille Fleur is raised primarily as a show bird. This chicken breed only comes as bantams, which are small-sized chickens.

Sebright Chicken

Sebright chicken breed is an ornamental bantam and one of the truest small chicken breeds you can find. All Sebrights are tiny, and there is no other size variety among them. These beautiful birds are often seen in competitive poultry shows. These chickens lay small white eggs and are not kept for meat production. Because of that, there are only two recognized varieties of this breed – Gold and Silver Laced. They are known for their friendly, docile nature and beautiful plumage. Sebrights are considered the only hen-feathered chicken because the males have no identifying or distinctive feathers in the tail, neck, and saddle. For that reason, both males and females have almost the same look.

Brahma Chicken

Brahma is one of the largest chicken breeds in the world. These giant birds are also known for their amazing look. This chicken breed is considered to be one of the most beautiful because of its glamorous, fluffy plumage and feathered legs. Brahmas come in three color varieties that the American Standard of Perfection recognizes: light, dark, and Buff. These birds are primarily raised for meat and egg-laying and are a very hardy breed. Brahma chickens are friendly with people and are tolerant towards other species, with their docile and calm temperament. They are quiet and easily handled. They are also good layers, especially in winter.

Sultan Chicken

The Sultan chicken breed belongs to the group of crested chickens. The Sultan is a highly ornamental breed originating in Turkey. Because of its decorative appearance, the Sultan was very popular with the royals in Turkey. They often kept these beautiful birds in their gardens and were known as Sultan’s Fowl. Today this chicken breed is scarce. Sultan chicken breed is one of the most beautiful because of its fully feathered body and unique look. There are three color varieties of the Sultan: black, blue, and white, with white being the most known. The Sultan is the smallest of the large breeds of chickens, and it also has a bantam version. These charming chickens are perfect as pets or for shows. They are also used for exhibition purposes. Sultans have a calm, docile, and friendly temperament and are content at being kept in confinement.


Faverolles’ chicken breed is originally from France. Faverolles were primarily used for meat and egg production, but now they are mostly raised for exhibition and ornamental purposes. This beautiful chicken breed comes in several color varieties, but only white and salmon colors have been recognized in the US. Faverolles are special because of their unique look with a beard, fluffy plumage, feathered feet, and five toes. In addition, they are incredibly docile, gentle, and friendly. That is why they are great as a pet, especially for children, because of their sweet and calm nature.


Orpington chicken breed is one of the most beautiful because of its fabulous, fluffy feathers. These birds are quite large in comparison to other breeds. Their incredible fluffy feathers make them look even larger than they are. Orpingtons were primarily raised for meat and egg-laying, but soon they became trendy as show birds. Chicken keepers can find this breed in several color varieties, but the Buff Orpington is the most popular. Orpingtons make wonderful pets, especially for children, because of their docile, sweet, and gentle personalities. These birds are peaceful, and they love attention. Orpingtons also happen to be decent egg layers. This chicken breed loves free-range but can also tolerate confinement very well as long as they have enough space


Photo from Youtube Channel Livestock Breeds – video: Phoenix Chickens | Long Feathered Show Stoppers

The Phoenix is a long-tailed chicken breed. It came about from crossing Japanese long-tailed birds similar to the Onagadori with other breeds. They are considered one of the most beautiful because of their exceptionally long tail and elegant look. Phoenix chicken breed is excellent for a free-range system. However, it also does well in confinement. These birds have excellent flight skills. They are very active, and they love to forage. This breed is typically more high-maintenance than other breeds of chickens. The temperament of these birds is docile but not so friendly.

Jersey Giant

Jersey Giants are the largest of all chicken breeds in the world. These gorgeous birds are so unique because of their spectacular size and pleasing look. The most popular varieteies of Jersey Giants are blue, black, and white. These gentle giants are known for their calm and docile personalities. Because of their friendly temperament, they make great pets. Jersey Giants are also good with children, although their large size can be intimidating to some smaller children. Jersey Giants love to free-range. This beautiful chicken is a dual-purpose breed meaning they can primarily be raised for meat and then eggs. If these chickens need to be in confinement, you make sure they have enough room.

For expert tips on keeping your chickens happy and healthy, be sure to check out our Raising Chickens 101: A Beginner’s Guide ebook!

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